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Emsisoft lanza un descifrador gratuito para MegaLocker Ransomware


Nuestro equipo de investigación ha descubierto una nueva campaña de ransomware conocida popularmente como MegaLocker o NamPoHyu Virus y el descifrador para el malware peligroso fue desarrollado con la ayuda del grupo Ransomware Hunting Team.

A continuación se muestra una tabla con el último recuento de descifrados exitosos por país.

MegaLocker Successful Decryption

Si eres víctima de este ransomware, sigue las instrucciones a continuación y NO PAGAS el rescate.

Emsisoft MegaLocker Decrypter

Detalles Técnicos

MegaLocker es un ransomware que encripta los archivos de las víctimas usando AES-128 ECB, y agrega la extensión ".nampohyu" a los archivos. La nota de rescate "! DECRYPT_INSTRUCTION.TXT" indica a la víctima que vaya a un sitio web de Tor para ponerse en contacto con los delincuentes.

La nota de rescate contiene el siguiente texto:

What happened to your files ? All of your files were protected by a strong encryption with AES cbc-128 using NamPoHyu Virus. What does this mean ? This means that the structure and data within your files have been irrevocably changed, you will not be able to work with them, read them or see them, it is the same thing as losing them forever, but with our help, you can restore them. The encryption key and ID are unique to your computer, so you are guaranteed to be able to return your files. Your unique id: [redacted hex] What do I do ? You can buy decryption for 1000$. But before you pay, you can make sure that we can really decrypt any of your files. To do this: 1) Download and install Tor Browser ( 2) Open the http://qlcd3bgmyv4kvztb.onion/index.php?id=[redacted hex] web page in the Tor Browser and follow the instructions. FAQ: How much time do I have to pay for decryption? You have 10 days to pay for the ransom after decrypting the test files. The number of bitcoins for payment is fixed at the rate at the time of decryption of test files. Keep in mind that some exchangers delay payment for 1-3 days! Also keep in mind that Bitcoin is a very volatile currency, its rate can be both stable and change very quickly. Therefore, we recommend that you make payment within a few hours. How to contact you? We do not support any contact. What are the guarantees that I can decrypt my files after paying the ransom? Your main guarantee is the ability to decrypt test files. This means that we can decrypt all your files after paying the ransom. We have no reason to deceive you after receiving the ransom, since we are not barbarians and moreover it will harm our business. How do I pay the ransom? After decrypting the test files, you will see the amount of payment in bitcoins and a bitcoin wallet for payment. Depending on your location, you can pay the ransom in different ways. Use Google to find i nformation on how to buy bitcoins in your country or use the help of more experienced friends. Here are some links: – payment by bank card How can I decrypt my files? After confirmation of payment (it usually takes 8 hours, maximum 24 hours) you will see on this page ( http://qlcd3bgmyv4kvztb.onion/index.php?id=[redacted hex] ) a link to download the decryptor and your aes-key (for this, simply re-enter (refresh) this page a day after payment) Download the program and run it. Attention! Disable all anti-virus programs, they can block the work of the decoder! Copy aes-key to the appropriate field and select the folder to decrypt. The program will scan and decrypt all encrypted files in the selected folder and its subfolders. We recommend that you first create a test folder and copy several encrypted files into it to verify the decryption. About Bitcoins: About Tor Browser:

Tenga en cuenta que algunas URL en la nota de rescate se dejaron intencionalmente desvinculadas.

Para usar el descifrador, necesitará una de las notas de rescate dejadas por el malware.

MegaLocker Ransomware Decrypted

Descargue el descifrador MegaLocker Ransomware aquí para comenzar.

El desencriptador también contribuyó a No More Ransom, un proyecto impulsado por la policía financiado por la Policía Holandesa, Europol y McAfee que tiene como objetivo ayudar a las víctimas a recuperar sus archivos de forma gratuita e interrumpir el modelo de negocio criminal de ransomware.

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